
How to Beat the Beats Keyword Hustle

Tuesday December 12 2023, 4:18 AM

How To Beat The Beats Keyword Hustle 2.png

Beats by Dre was a game-changer for the audio industry, but it also had a disastrous impact on beatmakers online. The brand's aggressive marketing and dominance in the "beats" keyword space has completely detoured the flow of online traffic for anything related to beats. This has made it increasingly difficult for independent beatmakers to get their work noticed and build a following.

Even before Beats by Dre, the keyword game on social media was rife with exploitation. Platforms like Facebook, Tumblr, and others were flooded with irrelevant content tagged with keywords and hashtags related to rap and hip hop, solely for the purpose of attracting traffic. This made it nearly impossible for genuine creators to stand out and reach their target audience.

While the internet remains a relatively open and accessible space, the "beats keyword hustle" presents a significant challenge for independent beatmakers. So, how do we navigate this saturated landscape and ensure that our work finds the right audience?

Here are a few strategies to consider:

1. Niche down : Instead of focusing on the broad term "beats," identify a specific niche within beatmaking that aligns with your unique style and skillset. This could be anything from boom bap to trap to lofi hip hop. By targeting a specific audience, you can stand out from the crowd and attract potential collaborators and supporters who share your passion.

2. Build your brand : Develop a strong online presence that showcases your work and personality. This could involve creating a website, blog, or social media profiles dedicated to your beatmaking journey. Share your music, production process, and insights with your audience to build a connection and establish yourself as a genuine creator.

3. Collaborate with other artists : Partner with rappers, singers, and other musicians who are looking for beats to use in their music. This can not only help you get your work heard by a wider audience but also lead to valuable connections and potential future collaborations.

4. Utilize targeted keywords and hashtags : While avoiding generic keywords like "beats," identify relevant keywords and hashtags specific to your niche. This will help your content reach the right audience who are actively searching for music similar to yours.

5. Engage with your community : Actively participate in online forums, communities, and groups dedicated to beatmaking. Offer your expertise, provide feedback to other creators, and network with potential collaborators. Building relationships within your community can significantly increase your reach and visibility.

6. Be patient and persistent : It takes time and effort to build a successful career as a beatmaker. Don't get discouraged by the challenges; stay focused on your goals, continue creating high-quality music, and consistently put yourself out there.

By implementing these strategies and remaining resourceful and innovative, independent beatmakers can overcome the "beats keyword hustle" and carve out their own space in the online music world. Remember, the key lies in authenticity, targeted marketing, and building a genuine connection with your audience.